IntelliDrive is a 90-day program that uses a smartphone app to monitor your driving performance. By enrolling, you could save on your car insurance policy’s first term. At renewal, safe driving habits can lead to savings of up to 30%, while riskier driving habits may result in a higher premium.1
*Personal insurance policies are underwritten by The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company, part of Travelers Canada. We do not currently offer personal insurance in Québec, Manitoba or Saskatchewan.
What's Measured:

Time of Day - When you drive can be as important as how you drive. Avoid driving really late at night to help improve your score.

Speed - High speeds mean less time to react to hazards around you.

Acceleration - Smooth acceleration is easier on your car and good for your score.

Braking - Avoid following too closely to better anticipate what other drivers are doing around you and avoid hard breaking.

Distraction2 – Avoid making handheld calls, texting, and any other physical interactions with your phone while driving.
What’s in the App:
App Dashboard – This is your home base. Quickly check your driving performance, most recent trips and see safe driving tips.
Distraction Free Streak – See how many trips you’ve completed in a row without interacting with your phone. Streaks are a fun way to challenge yourself and your family to put down your phones and reduce distracted driving.
Driving Tips – Check out articles to learn more about safe driving.
Trip Details – Get details about a specific trip, with a map that highlights where you have had an event like a hard brake, or a fast acceleration.
IntelliDrive® Frequently Asked Questions
IntelliDrive is an auto insurance program available for customers in Ontario. It uses a smartphone app to capture data over a 90-day evaluation period and scores how safely you drive. New Travelers customers save 2.5%* on their first policy term just for participating in the IntelliDrive program, and if you have safe driving habits, you could save up to 30% when your policy renews.
After installing IntelliDrive on your smartphone, the app will automatically detect when you get into a vehicle and start a trip. It will collect driving information for 90 days and then determine your overall driving performance. Based on the driving performance of you and the other participating drivers on the policy, your actual adjusted insurance rate will be reflected when your policy renews.
You must drive at least 800km during the 90 days to complete the evaluation.
IntelliDrive captures information about your driving habits including braking, acceleration, speed, time of day, and phone use. After each trip you can review a map of your route and your driving performance to date. Collection of location data does not affect your auto insurance rate.
Each driver’s driving performance during the 90-day IntelliDrive evaluation period helps calculate your insurance premium when your policy renews. Safe driving habits can save you up to 30%, while riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 10%. Drivers with safe driving habits are less likely to have insurance claims so we’re able to offer them a discount. Riskier driving habits are more likely to cause an accident and an insurance claim, that’s why we may charge a higher premium for those drivers.
For policyholders who enrolled November 15, 2024 or later, riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 30%. For policyholders who enrolled prior to November 15, 2024, riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 10%.
The app does its best to determine whether or not you are the driver of a vehicle. If you are a passenger and the app records you as a driver, you have 10 days to update the information in the app.
Any handheld interaction with your phone while driving is going to negatively impact your distraction score. This includes things like in-hand phone calls, texting, typing, and tapping on the phone. Hands-free phone calls using Bluetooth will not negatively impact your distraction score.
Applications that are running on your phone, but don’t require you to interact with the phone, will not negatively impact the distraction score. For example, if navigation or music is running in the background and you’re not engaging with it, this will not impact your distraction score.
Interacting with vehicle infotainment systems will not impact your distraction score.
Yes. Existing customers are welcome to download the IntelliDrive app and participate in the 90-day program. Their driving performance will help calculate their new insurance premium when the policy renews. Safe driving habits can lead to savings of up to 30%. Existing customers are not eligible for the 2.5%* new business enrollment discount. IntelliDrive can be added to the customer’s existing policy with no change to their existing premium or coverage, until the next renewal is issued following the completion of the 90-day program.
For policyholders who enrolled November 15, 2024 or later, riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 30%. For policyholders who enrolled prior to November 15, 2024, riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 10%.
If you’d like to benefit from IntelliDrive, we suggest starting the process six months before your renewal date. The evaluation must be complete before the renewal documents are processed. The evaluation takes three months, and the renewal documents are issued two months before the renewal date. The extra time ensures that if you don’t download the app right after enrolling, you still have time to complete the program, you’ll see the potential discount at your next renewal.
Customers insured with Travelers Essential™ Insurance through Travelers Canada are not eligible for IntelliDrive as it is currently not available for these policies. However, Travelers Essential™ customers are welcome to speak with their broker about changing to another Travelers Canada policy with IntelliDrive at any time.
Yes. If you are not satisfied with the IntelliDrive program for any reason, you can opt out of the program within 60 days of enrollment with no impact other than the removal of your 2.5%* enrollment discount (if applicable). Enrollment begins when you receive the first text message from us to download the IntelliDrive app to your smartphone.
You must opt out before the 60th day from when you received the first text message from us. If you don't opt out before that date, your IntelliDrive score will be used in determining the premium on your next renewal.
Just call your broker or Travelers Canada to opt out.
You are welcome to retry the IntelliDrive program by participating in another 90-day evaluation period. If you complete another evaluation period, the results from the latest evaluation will be applied to your next renewal. Your first evaluation will not be used in rating. Please contact your broker if you would like to re-try the program.
Additional IntelliDrive information is available at We also include an informational page about IntelliDrive in your new policy package.
Each enrolled driver on your policy should download the app from a link Travelers sends them in a text message. The IntelliDrive app is also available through the app store.
Apple iPhones 4S and above are supported, but iOS 11.0 or newer is required. All Android phones are supported, but they must contain cellular, Wi-Fi and GPS chips. Android (Marshmallow) or newer is required.
Yes. Your mobile phone needs to be on, with location services and Wi-Fi enabled, for the IntelliDrive app to function most accurately.
If you don’t download the app right away don’t worry, you’ll receive a few text messages to remind you to download the app and take advantage of the potential savings from the IntelliDrive program. A letter will be sent to the policyholder 15 days from the initial enrollment as well as an email on day 22. After 30 days, if you still haven’t downloaded the app, you will be removed from IntelliDrive.
If all drivers on the policy are removed from the program, the Enrollment Discount provided to new Travelers customers will also be removed from the policy since the discount was provided to drivers who enroll in the program, download the app and complete the driving evaluation. The Enrollment Discount will be removed retroactively to the date it was added.
In order to achieve the best possible rating on renewal, all drivers on the policy should enroll, download the app and drive 800 km during the 90-day driving evaluation. If that doesn’t happen, it’s ok. We get it. For any driver that doesn’t complete the program requirements, they will be removed from the program and given a neutral rating.
A neutral rating means that the driver doesn’t earn a discount or a surcharge from the program. In order words, it reduces the potential discount on that policy at renewal. Because we average the driving evaluation results of all drivers on a policy, if one driver doesn’t complete the driving evaluation, we won’t have an IntelliDrive score for that driver to use in rating, which will reduce the overall discount earned by the other drivers.
A neutral rating will also be applied if a driver opts out of the program within 60 days.
In addition, to retain the Enrollment Discount provided to new customers, at least one driver must download the app and drive 800 km within 90 days. If no driver downloads the app, or if no driver completes the 800 km requirement, the Enrollment Discount is removed retroactively to the date it was added.
You can reinstall the IntelliDrive app on a new phone by searching the app store for “IntelliDrive” and following the same registration instructions. The 90-day program will resume where you left off.
The IntelliDrive app uses a negligible amount of battery when you’re not driving and slightly more when you’re on the road. Most users won’t notice a significant battery difference after installing the IntelliDrive app. The IntelliDrive app is also designed to minimize data usage. Data is transmitted using either WiFi or your data plan, depending on which network is available at the time of upload.
For more information about IntelliDrive, please contact your broker or Travelers Canada at 1.800.268.4543.
At renewal, you may see a change to your discount based on your driving evaluation. The change could be a discount of up to 30% for good driving habits or, for drivers with risky driving habits, there could be a premium increase. At your first renewal, the 2.5%* Enrollment Discount (if applicable) will be removed from the policy premium. As a result, the total impact to your policy premium at your first renewal will be a combination of your driving evaluation (discount or increase) and the removal of the 2.5%* Enrollment Discount (if applicable).
Any discount or discount earned through your driving evaluation applies for the life of your policy. On future renewals, you will receive the full discount associated with your driving evaluation without the removal of the Enrollment Discount. There is no need to redo the driving evaluation, although you are welcome to do so – in that case, your latest score will be used the next time your policy renews.
For policyholders who enrolled November 15, 2024 or later, riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 30%. For policyholders who enrolled prior to November 15, 2024, riskier driving habits may result in a premium increase up to 10%.