Terms and Conditions for Participating in the Travelers Canada IntelliDrive® Program
Your voluntary participation in the Travelers Canada IntelliDrive program is subject to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, you should not participate in the IntelliDrive program.
A. You understand and agree:
- To download the IntelliDrive app and updates on eligible smartphones. If you do not download the app you will be removed from the program. Please note that by downloading, installing or using the app you consent to be bound by the app End User License Agreement. TrueMotion, Inc. is the vendor for the mobile app.
- By providing your mobile number and/or mobile numbers for other drivers on the policy, you are acknowledging that you have full authority to provide us with those numbers, to enroll each driver in the IntelliDrive program, and to provide your consent of these terms and conditions on behalf of all enrolled drivers on your policy. All participating drivers will have access to the registration status and the driving performance for other drivers on the policy within the app.
- The app collects information related to driving behavior including speed, braking, acceleration, time of day, and phone You, for yourself and for those drivers whose mobile numbers you have provided on the policy, consent to: (a) the collection of personal information through the IntelliDrive app and collection of personal information through the signup process for the IntelliDrive program (collectively, the “Personal Information”) by The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company (“Travelers Canada”) and its affiliates and its suppliers, including Truemotion, Inc. and the employees and contractors of these entities (the “Users”), (b) the use of the Personal Information by the Users for the purposes of, (i) rating Travelers Canada automobile insurance in accordance with an approved risk classification system, (ii) review the rating criteria Travelers Canada uses for Travelers Canada automobile insurance (for example, where a vehicle is principally garaged, distance driven), and (iii) detect and prevent fraud and to manage claims.
- The data collected from the app could result in the policy premium being discounted or increased. A sufficient amount of data must be recorded before any utilization of the collected information occurs. A sufficient amount of data means 800 or more kilometres for each driver within 90 days of enrollment. If you do not drive 800 kilometres within 90 days of enrollment, you will be removed from the program. In addition, if none of the drivers who enrolled completes 800 kilometres of driving, all of the drivers will be removed from the program, and the Enrollment Discount will be removed retroactively to the date it was added. Once the monitoring period has completed, data is no longer collected through the app. All eligible drivers have the option to re-try and start a new driving evaluation period. If this occurs, the updated results will be used in rating.
- The mobile numbers you provided to Travelers Canada are the actual primary numbers of the enrolled Drivers, and Drivers will carry their phones with them and keep them powered on for all trips where they are driving.
- The app makes predictions about whether you are a driver or passenger. If the prediction is incorrect, the premium you will be charged on your policy renewal may change. The IntelliDrive app gives you the opportunity to correct trips within 10 days of using the app.
- By sharing your mobile numbers with us, you are providing express consent for each mobile number to receive commercial electronic message, such as text messages, from or on behalf of The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company and its property casualty affiliates or our IntelliDrive program suppliers.
- The IntelliDrive app is intended to be used solely by drivers of legal age and holding a valid driver’s license.
B. Ending Enrollment: You may opt-out of the IntelliDrive program within 60 days of enrollment into the IntelliDrive program without impact to your policy, other than loss of the enrollment discount (where applicable). If you wish to opt out of the IntelliDrive program, call Travelers Canada or your broker to do so.
C. We reserve the right to revise the terms of the IntelliDrive program and inform you of the revisions by mail, email or text. All revisions are effective the next policy renewal. Your continued participation in the program confirms your agreement to the revisions.
D. We may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the IntelliDrive program at any time.
E. You may elect to complete another monitoring period subject to the program’s guidelines, and we may also require you to download the app for a new monitoring period.
The Travelers Canada IntelliDrive Program is administered by Travelers Canada, The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company on behalf of itself and its affiliates Travelers Canada. Reference to “Travelers Canada” or “We” includes Travelers Canada, The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company and its affiliates.
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), the Personal Information will be collected, used and stored outside of Canada and will be subject to the laws of foreign jurisdictions that allow access to Personal Information by foreign governments in certain circumstances. Personal information may also be disclosed without your consent in order for the Users to comply with a subpoena or court order.
These terms and conditions do not amend, or otherwise affect the provisions or coverage of your policy. All other terms and conditions remain the same.
If you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of the Personal Information, please contact the Travelers Canada Chief privacy Officer at: privacy_officer@travelers.com.
If you have additional questions on the program, please either contact your broker or contact Travelers Canada at 1-800-268-4543. You are also welcome to review the product information and Frequently Asked Questions on our website here.