How Telematics Can Help Improve Driver Safety

Want to help your loved ones drive safely? Or save money on your auto insurance? (Who doesn’t?) A telematics program like IntelliDrive® from Travelers Canada can help you do both.
What Is Telematics?
Telematics, also known as usage-based insurance or “Pay How You Drive” car insurance, tracks driving habits, including driving distances, speed, braking behaviours and more. That information is used by an insurance company to help customize your auto insurance premium.
If the thought of having an insurance company monitor your driving makes you nervous, remember, the benefits could far outweigh your concerns – especially if you and the people on your auto policy drive safely. And if you already are a careful driver, you know that maintaining a safe speed, keeping your distance and not texting while you drive are all great ways to help stay safe on the road.
Telematics technology has improved significantly in recent years. If you haven’t considered telematics lately, it’s worth a fresh look.
How Telematics Can Help Drivers
Telematics can help drivers by heightening their awareness to their own driving behaviours, and also gives drivers the ability to have some influence over their premium. Telematics programs typically give a view into how other drivers on your policy drive and can encourage family conversations about safe driving. There are some common elements of “pay how your drive” programs that provide potential benefits for drivers, from saving money on your car insurance premium to becoming more mindful in practicing safer driving behaviors. Check out IntelliDrive to learn more.
Tip: Learn the latest about how to reduce distracted driving.
Consider IntelliDrive from Travelers Canada
While pricing is one reason for selecting an insurance policy, it can be also be beneficial to sign up for a program that recognizes and rewards your good driving habits with discounts. Contact your local independent broker to learn more about IntelliDrive. While you’re at it, find out whether you’re taking advantage of all the auto insurance discounts and insurance bundles available to you.